Support Model

Safe and loving homes for every teen in foster care

As a para-church organization, EightFifteen seeks to empower churches and Christians to live out God’s call to care for vulnerable children by providing a unique support model designed to provide foster/adoptive families with all of the support that they need in order to bring a teen into their home.

  • 363 children were placed in a congregate care facility for at least one day during Allegheny County Department of Human Services' (ACDHS) last fiscal year, and the vast majority of these children were teens.

  • "The greatest barrier to ensuring that children are placed in family foster care, when kin are not available, is the limited number of foster families." - ACDHS Needs Based Plan and Budget FY 2022-23

  • Family Support Groups are made up of 2-4 volunteers that are matched with a Resource Family willing to foster or adopt a teen. FSG’s meet with their resource family regularly for fellowship and support, while also providing practical assistance in the form of meals or household help, transportation, tutoring, child care, or any other need the family may have.

  • Teams of volunteers supplement the efforts of the FSG’s to ensure that each Resource Family has all of the support that they need. Volunteers also provide interim support for Resource Families waiting to be matched with an FSG.

  • Local churches provide spiritual and financial support, as well as a platform for bringing members of individual congregations together in order to meet the needs of vulnerable children in our community.